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Американский ПЕПЕЛАЦ

Американский ПЕПЕЛАЦ

Турбовинтовой космолет Rotary Rocket Roton ATV


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Eric Hunting 8 лет назад
The Roton was the last of a long series of concepts that derived from the Phoenix Program of the 1970s which sought to develop a practical SSTO (single-stage to orbit) launch system. Many different designs in various simple shapes were studied in the Phoenix program, some featuring the use of annular aerospike engine systems and many featuring a payload and crew cabin set between hydrogen and oxygen tanking to create a low center of gravity during reentry.

Phoenix culminated in the McDonald Douglas Delta Clipper concept and its experimental vertical landing test platform the DC-X, which was destroyed in a controversial accident during testing by NASA bringing that project to an end. Some still suspect the DC-X was deliberately destroyed because the Delta Clipper competed with the Lockheed VentureStar and its X-33 test vehicle favored by certain administrators. However, the X-33 also failed before ever being completed, succumbing to cost overruns and development problems symptomatic of the 'gold plating' common to NASA projects at the time. (where managers keep adding stuff to the design of a project as favors to associates until it becomes impossible to complete) This is why the US was caught without a replacement for the Space Shuttle when it became too old to continue operation.

The Roton was started as a private venture--one of the first of the New Space companies. One of its partners was Burt Rutan, founder of Scaled Composites and now known for his company's involvement in Virgin Galactic's sub-orbital spacecraft development. Rutan is also famous for developing the Voyager aircraft for his brother's non-stop flight around the world as well as for many high performance and experimental civil aircraft. (like the Long-EZ, which was the plane singer Bob Denver crashed in) Early versions of the Roton concept featured rotor-tip rocket engines akin to 'tip-jet' helicopters. This was later changed to a base-mounted rotary aerospike system which used the centrifugal pumping to overcome the higher mass common to aerospike designs.

Sadly, the early New Space ventures lacked the credibility and respect of New Space companies today--backed as they are by celebrity oligarchs--and the project never got the investment to get beyond the mockup vertical landing demonstrator. The Roton was the last time the USA pursued development of an SSTO launch system.
Ilyev Nikolay 8 лет назад
"Без гравицапы пепелац только так может летать..." (с)
rakutin.mamentenok 8 лет назад
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